So I finally made it through David Tennant's run of Doctor Who. It was a long time coming, I think the last couple of episodes leading up to the end were the best of all the seasons he did.
Can't we count Rose Tyler as one of the Doctor's wives? I mean the half-Time Lord/half human Doctor is him, or can we count that version of the Doctor as a hybrid child between the Doctor and Donna? It kinda bothered me how long it took him to see Rose in those episodes and even in the last episode, he went back in time and visited Rose before she met the 9th version of himself, Christopher Eccelston. Similar to River Song going back and meeting the 10th Doctor, which I have to say, I prefer River with Matt Smith a lot more than her with David. Anyway, Donna will never remember meeting Martha Jones, Captain Jack H., Micky and Rose Tyler but her granddad will. In a way, I feel like Rose chose Donna to keep an eye on the Doctor.
I didn't expect The Master (John Simms) to come back, love the blonde hair, think he looks better blonde. John Simms, like David T., is what I like to call a "delightfully mad" actor. I'm using the words "delightfully mad" which I first heard Sir Anthony Hopkins say in The Wolf Man with Benecio Del Torro, and I use it as a way to describe actors who play insane characters like David T. in Doctor Who and Harry Potter And The Goblet of Fire as Bartie Crouch Jr. "Hello father." Now I must look up John Simms filmography and see what other roles he played as. Handsome gent for a rounded face fellow. I felt bad for The Master when the Time Lord President showed up and admitted to putting that drumming sound in his head. Poor kid didn't deserve such manipulation.
Though the Satan Pit, The Library, Waters of Mars and the episodes with the Oud in them are my favorite, and the first one when Torchwood was established. Water of Mars made me want to cry, you know people are about to die and you know it's for the greater good but how do you ignore their screams and pain? The Doctor couldn't and as a result of messing with things instead of letting them be, Adelaide Brooke shot herself. That was a valuable lesson to learn and I wonder why he hadn't learned it earlier. Seeing the episodes from the POV of people who don't personally know the Doctor, I can see why they would label him evil.
What I don't like is how Captain Jack Harkness started out as Captain Jack Harkness but towards the 10th's end he became John Barrowman as himself. We get it, you're gay John, that's great but Captain Jack was straight, wasn't he? Flirting with Rose and every other woman when he first appeared. J.B's acting skill points got deducted from my book for that. My hats are off for the other actors, main and minor. A lot of Harry Potter and Game of Thrones actors in here. THE UK NEEDS MORE ACTORS & ACTRESSES! It's really the same people over and over, hold an open casting call, sheesh, do something UK. I have no major complaints other than that I don't want to see David go!
I'm wonder if Matt's run is worth watching all the way through, I've seen sporadic episodes like the death of Rory and Amy, the birth of River, the war episodes, the crossover with David, the end of Matt's run, the episode where he got a job and stayed with Craig. Do I need to see the others?
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