I know it's late but I did write this after I watched the last episode, it was just posted on my deviantart.
IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE SEASON FINALE THEN DO NOT READ FURTHER.I fucking called it man, I said in 11 that Tenzin wasn't dead and was the singular hostage, I was right. I laughed at the people who thought he was dead. This only means two things: the writers are getting lazy and easily predictable (I couldn't predict anything from The Last Airbender) or I think too much like a criminal. Come on, Tenzin was obviously the most valuable hostage out of all the airbenders! By far, the best season finale of LoK. Although they went the route of imitating Aang vs Ozai's battle from the Sozin's Comet episodes, it wasn't entirely the same in which I'm glad that they didn't just rip off the Last Airbender's series finale, though they came close. How can Zaheer fly?! Aang flew during his fight with Ozai, it's never been impossible but I hate the flying around thing, reminds me too much of Dragon Ball.I FUCKING HATE ZAHEER AND THE RED LOTUS.I say this grudgingly but they are worse villains than Amon. They're not even on Amon's level and all Amon was, was a cheap cut and paste copied version of Tobi mixed with Itachi from Naruto. They are unworthy to have been part of the White Lotus or enemies of the Avatar, period.There was nothing Zaheer did that made me consider him as brilliant or intelligent. The man had no skills of any kind.
- He has no skills of manipulation like Azula or Amon or Tarlok or even Unalaqq, if anything, Zaheer was way too honest. There was nothing he said or did that would make me want to follow him or take him seriously, his accomplices were fucking idiots with no real thoughts of their own.
- He can't fucking fight. He got his airbending at the beginning of the season and could barely defeat Tenzin one on one, he couldn't even fuck up Korra's dad the right way. Unalaqq had way more training and it showed, he was the best fighter of the Red Lotus. Kai got his bending at the beginning and was capable of taking out more experience, fully trained Dai Li agents. What does this tell you about Zaheer? Not to mention that earth is the natural rival to air so Kai should have had a really hard time fighting against and earth bender period.
- His philosophy is childish, naive and flawed. Where in Avatar or even human history has it even been shown and proven that complete and total anarchy works? Someone will rise from the chaos but it will not be the Red Lotus members and will restore peace and order, those people will either become the new tyrants and form a new government under themselves or will be elected leader by the people and government will begin anew either way. This makes the Red Lotus' goal never ending and forever out of reach.
- No one in the Red Lotus showed trued ability or command over their element. Remember how versitile Katara, Toph and Azula were. The Red Lotus did the same exact shit each and every fucking battle. All Ming Hua could do was turn her water into ice, Katara stopped the rain out of fucking anger and could turn water into ice before she began formal training with Master Paku. Their skills are just as basic as Team Korra. I don't want to hear they were in prison for 13 years bullshit when its clear Ming Hua has always been a water bender and that guy was always an earth bender. They were aggressive and that's it. They took more to offense than defense and that's why it always appeared that they were winning.
- They had no real plan. This was Zaheer's shtick each fucking episode: make a plan, carry out plan because for some reason no one (can) stops them, retreat, make a new plan, repeat cycle. Verrick is far more cunning than this fucker and I hate Verrick too.
- For all of Zaheer's knowledge of airbenders, he didn't know a goddamn thing about Aang as the Avatar, this caused him to underestimate Korra and the Avatar State. Which is a folly all of Korra's villains have in common. WHAT THE FUCK IS WITH KORRA'S VILLAINS NOT KNOWING WHO AANG WAS OR WHAT HE DID?! IT'S ONLY BEEN 70 YEARS! SHOULDN'T HIS DEEDS BE IN A HISTORY BOOK BY NOW? OZAI DIDN'T EVEN HAVE TO LEAVE HIS PALACE TO BE A BETTER VILLAIN!
The fight scenes for these two episodes were good, dad and daughter combo especially since Korra was only fighting with her feet. Bolin being a lava bender, fucking great twist. He now possess a rare bending but now I wanna see Toph master the style which she's probably doing on her own somewhere.
Zaheer's plan was a dud from the start. Let's kill Korra in the Avatar State! Clearly they had no idea what the Avatar State actually was, I guess that they assumed that because her past lives are gone, she would be easy to get rid of. Fucking morons. I was excited, "c'mon Korra, fuck shit up for them and kill them." Can't break platinum my ass. How does it feel to eat your own words Zaheer?
I hope no villain underestimates Jinora's skills. FINALLY AIRBENDING TORNADOES! A problem I had with Aang was that he never made a tornado, but now I guess I know why, you need more than one airbender to do it. Jinora knew the compounds of the poison and helped Suyin to save Korra, guess people will stop being suspicious of her being part of the Red Lotus or at least I hope so. Like Tenzin said, I too see a bright future with Jinora at the helm. Finally she gets her tattoos, is she the same age as Aang when he got his? Aang was a master at 12. She deserves them for her leadership skills, her advanced technique and her unique and communal way of using her airbending.
This got very dark with the Red Lotus' deaths. In Last Airbender the only characters to die were Zhou, Jet, (Smellerbee and Longshot are a possibility, we never learned for sure) but I am so glad that the majority of this group is fucking dead.
KORRA IS IMPROVING, not only as a show but as a character and as an Avatar. Aang could never resist the Avatar State, Korra did for a little bit, that's a serious improvement in my book. She's slowly but surely becoming worthy of being legendary. It only took 3 seasons.
My Problems: They keep using Iroh as a guide for Korra instead of making use of Katara. Hell, they're making more of a use out of Zuko than Katara and that's fucked up. Use old lady Katara!
Korra should write down Wan's life story so the world can be educated about why the Avatar is necessary. If she did and if Zaheer could read it, maybe he'll realize he's wrong (but extremists never do) and why the world that Wan created is completely necessary for all peace and prosperity to flourish.
They still aren't explaining Combustion Girl, is that a clan thing? Is it only capable through a specific lineage, can anyone learn it? Or lava bending or anything else and quite frankly, it's getting on my nerves. Stop wasting our time and explain this shit to us already.