Friday, September 19, 2014

New Culture

So I've always liked the hookah pipe, always loved the way it looks, it's a work of art. I've wanted one for most of my adult life but it kept slipping my mind until a few days ago when I found a "beginner's" one for $11, made of glass. Got it today, it came already assembled so I rushed to my stored tobacco, Hookah Freak's Spicy Apple Cider and put it in the bowl after filling up the base with cold water and a few ice cubes. I used Holland charcoal which takes a while to spark but once it does, you're golden. The Spicy Apple Cider smells nice when it's burning but tastes like nothing, almost had a metallic taste but the experience was nice either way. Listened to Arabic music while smoking it.

and this is my new hookah

I think we will get along in the future. 

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