Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Game of Thrones S.4 Ep.2

I'm gonna start by stating that George R.R. Martin wrote this episode for tv, it says so in the opening credits. 

"What's your name?" Ramsey Snow, bastard son of Roose Bolton yells at Theon Greyjoy who is tied to posts that served as instruments in his torture that have been occurring for several days now. Theon reels from the stinking warmth of the bastard's breath on the skin of his face as he shakes from pain and fatigue, he had been resistant up to a point but now he could feel himself breaking under the wrath of the North that he so justly deserves. 
    "Reek," Theon finally admits as he hoped that giving in to the name change would free him from his pain.


Does anyone remember season 3 of Avatar the Last Airbender when Zuko joined the group and they were hanging out on Ember Island and Zuko mentions the Ember Island Players that his mother used to take him and Azula to see when they were kids? Now do you remember the details of that episode, how the play was actually just a recap of the entire series up to that point? I always thought that was a clever way to do a recap episode, it was funny, fresh and new to have the characters watch parodies of themselves as the actors conveyed the story to refresh the audience's memories (us at home) of previous events. Recap episodes are dreadfully boring I find but Avatar found a way to make me enjoy it. I remember asking my friend why everyone couldn't do a recap episode in similar fashion and he gave me a very good reason.

Then George R.R. Martin did the same exact thing at the end of the episode when King Joffrey had the little people parody the War of The 5 Kings and I did not find it as amusing. The little parody with the little people in essence is a clever sneak in of a recap of the events of season 2. What I don't find amusing about it, is that Avatar the Last Airbender did a clever/parody/theater play recap. So my issue is, it's been done before, find another way to get that recap in the episode while insulting Sansa's family and Loras Tyrell's love for Renly. This is the second ATLA reference in the show, taking ideas from a kids show, really now? This episode was specifically written by the author for HBO in the year 2014 so Nickelodeon's got you beat with a copyright dated in 2005. Just saying.

What the fuck, Oberyn only gets one scene per episode, is that's how season 4 is going to be? These three things disappoint me and nearly ruins the entire feel of the show and the rest of the episode. Stop referencing other movies and cartoons so I can enjoy it again. 

Aww Theon thought he was hardcore until he met Ramsey Snow. He does deserve it, but Bolton thinks he's hardcore? Someone has to kill him whether it be Yara, Theon himself, Bran or hell even Osha. I see Bolton sending his man to find Bran and Rickon as a pointless endeavor and I have no interest in that turn of events. Oh man, the feels between Tyrion and Shae! It's hard to push away the only person who cares for you. I don't think that is the last time we'll be seeing her though.

Now what happened to Bran, I find very interesting and it has renewed my hope and faith in his character development. I'm counting on Bran turning into Itachi Uchiha, sharingan and all once he gets to that raven. Say what you want about Stannis, but he was able to sit down to dinner with his wife and mistress Melissandre and have a pleasant conversation without hostility nor violence. Ragnar Lothbrook couldn't do that. Stannis gets a point in my book but I've always liked Stannis. Now for the actual wedding of Joffrey and Margery. A lot of pleasant threats going on. I love how Oberyn reminded Cersei and Tywin how Marcella is in his country and practically at his mercy. I knew what was coming at the end of the episode but I was still a bit surprised to see it, all I have to say is poor Tyrion and if this doesn't push Sansa into being the wolf she was born to be, then I don't know what will. I hope Jaime defends his brother against Cersei's accusation. 

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