Monday, April 7, 2014

Game Of Thrones Season 4 Episode 1

UnBowed UnBent UnBroken bitches, long awaited House Martell makes their entrance.
don't read if you haven't watched the episode

Let's skip all the way back to season 1 when Catelyn Stark left Winterfell to deliver the knife that was supposed to have been used to kill Bran to her husband in King's Landing. Bran is outside watching Theon practice archery while the Maester has a map of terribly named Westeros (it's in the west, we got the fucking hint. Give it a real name) and is drilling Bran about the important Houses, their sigils and mottos. He points to Dorne and Bran recites their things flawlessly. Epically bad foreshadowing 101, the Houses Bran recited have come into play whether in a minor or major way so I've been waiting for the mysterious Martells to enter. The fact that their name kept being mentioned (when Tyrion shipped off Princess Marcella to Dorne) told me they would come in eventually, or else there would be no point in mentioning them. The actress with Oberyn has been in a lot of series and movies, and I am happy to see her again so there is a bit of ethnicity in Westeros so not all of them are European based. 

Moving on-----> the season starts as if it never stopped so I don't recommend starting the series from Season 4. Episode 1 actually seemed to be fast pace and with an exception of Stannis & co, Osha & Rickon, Bran & co., Gendry, Theon & Yara, everyone gets a scene which I enjoyed. It begins with Tywin having a blacksmith melt down a long Valyrian sword to make two new ones. Yay the art of smithery! I'm assuming that was Ned or Robb Stark's sword since Robert used a war hammer, right?

Jaime argues with his father which must be hard for Tywin, having his golden boy tell himno for a change. I'm going to go ahead and say it........Jaime is Darth Vader! A new golden hand similar to the Midas touch? I have to say, I miss his long hair and dirty beard. Jaime is becoming a better character and I don't want to like him, he started this mess and he deserves the worst of it for it. Jaime is the first to actually mention the Doom of Valyria, and I'm going to say it again and again, it's a Fantastic Four reference. Not even cleverly hidden, know what happened to Valeria in Fantastic Four? DOOM HAPPENED TO HER!! Joffrey disrespects his uncle/father while he discusses safety for the wedding with another knight. I bet he never realized what a real bastard he had. What disappoints me is that Brienne knows that Catelyn Stark is dead and is so bland about it, in the presence of the enemy, I understand that she can't rage the fuck out but I expected more emotion from her seeing how she respected Catelyn but she is pushing Jaime to keep his promise to protect the Stark girls. I can see Brienne and Jaime becoming strictly good platonic friends but if Cersei keeps pushing him away.....he may leave for another woman. 

Some people may have mixed feelings about the changing of Daario's actor, but I'm not one of them. I find the new actor more attractive. He was quite sweet to give her the three flowers while teaching her about them. You can tell that she doesn't want to like him but then again.....Khal Drogo never gave her flowers, no, he gave her a horse. Is that better? Does a horse trump flowers? She's on her way to Egypt version.fantasy with her troops and it seems like she's deviating from her true cause. I don't want to see Khaleesi as a tyrant but she seems to be heading in that direction. I still respect her though. 

Tyrion is having issues juggling his wife Sansa's discontent and his lover Shae's amorous attention. I hope he can work it out as much as I want Sansa to become the Stark she was meant to be. The man who's life she saved on Joffrey's Name Day gives her a gift, at first I thought he was upset that he was demoted from knight to fool but quite the opposite. I think if Sansa puts her mind to it, she could be like Daenerys, saving people from the Lannisters and gathering a cult following. Tyrion is the first to meet Prince Oberyn and they reveal information about the origin of the hate the Martells have for the lions. Reasonably understood. I wonder if he hates the Starks as well. To be of a different ethnicity from other people in Westeros, they have a really bland surname. 

While off on the Wall is the ever whiny Jon Snow just learning of Robb's death. He has no reason to feel sorry for Catelyn except that she was still the mother of his siblings. Georgie and HBO has failed in making me care about Jon as a character, he's whiny, he's emo, he's naive, Arya has been through worse and she is stronger than Jon emotionally. 
             "Something something the free folk-"
             "You talk like a wildling."
             "Of course I talk like a wildling! I lived with the wildlings, I ate with the wildlings, I laid with a wildlings girl."
That line was the only one I liked in all of Jon's scene. He reminded me of Robb when he said to Tyrion, "I'm not your boy Lannister." I'm waiting for Jon to man up and mature. Why is Janos Slint at the Wall? I forgot. Did Tyrion sentence him there? While Ygritte is being a bit emo herself over what happened to Jon. Her love for Jon Snow is ruining her character, she's a strong female character who doesn't need the help of a man yet she will be demoted to a Disney princess who will never be able to really hurt him. That disappoints me because she is capable of so much more then simply being his Westside Story love interest.

To the tiny magnificent Arya. Is everyone getting older but Maisie Williams? She still looks the same. Someone steal Arya some new clothes! The most mature of the Stark children, hanging out with the Hound. She gets her sword back! So I'm hoping this foreshadows the return of her wolf as well. Arya has killed four people now? In a lot of ways I respect her more than Daenerys because she doesn't need an army, all she needs is a Hound and a Baratheon bastard. I hope Gendry returns to her. I have high hopes of them restoring the Stark-Baratheon bond. I was disturbed by the implication that the Hound was fucking Arya, that was just disgusting but it works in this world. I don't think Arya was really concerned about the dangers lurking out there for her because she is female since she was always with boys and men that she trusted and simply had more honor until she saw the Lannister men harassing the woman in the tavern. In this regard, she reminds me a lot of Daenerys who stands up for slaves and mistreated women. Arya can easily slip into the role of a villain being blinded by vengeance but like Robb, her father's sense of justice is deeply ingrained in her so I doubt it. 

I'm looking forward to learning more about Oberyn and watching his scenes. We nee more people who don't give a fuck about the Lannisters. 
Oberyn Martell, I find him attractive. 

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