Friday, March 21, 2014

Defending Disney

I can't believe the terrible rap classic Disney movies is getting from people who aren't looking past the way the characters are drawn. Disney didn't write half of their movies themselves, they all come from (mostly German) fairy tales, legends, books (The Jungle Book, Aladdin, Hunchback of Notre Dame, The Aristocats, The Great Mouse Detective), and very few historic people (Pocohantas, Mulan) which were extremely embellished to hide the ugly truth from children that the heroines died. So which ones did Disney actually write? The Rescuers, The Lion King, Brave, Lady and the Tramp, Fox and the Hound?

The Sexist Arguments

What part of Disney did not write half of this does people not understand?
They were created in a very sexist time by sexist people where as things like Sleeping Beauty and Snow White originate as myths from the Black Forest and were meant to scare people during a time of extreme superstitions and hysteria.
Sexism is a very real problem that still persists today, Disney isn't making it worse, it's simply pointing it out that it exists.
Let's look at the nature of cartoons from the 50s up until now...they've always been meant for boys, Disney has to be one of the first companies to put girls in the spot light.
Did you know why it took Legend of Korra so long to be released on Nickleodeon? Because Nick wasn't sure how fans would react to a female protagonist. That's not sexist at all. Especially after the success of Last Airbender with fully developed female characters like Katara, Toph, Azula and Suki. 
I read a comment about Disney's princesses and how they focus too much on princesses. Not all of Disney female characters are technically princesses like Belle, and there are plenty of movies with male main characters: The Jungle Book, Aladdin, The Rescuers Down Under, Merlin, The Lion King, etc. And considering how many male main characters there are on other networks, people shouldn't be complaining.
The princesses are too pretty! <---This one is the worse, have you people seen anime where every woman and girl are a D cup and are smoking hot and willing to fuck the guy they met ten seconds ago? But those are made by the Japanese so I guess it's okay? Is that right? Kids like pretty things, they want to dress up as Jasmine, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. When I watched Disney movies as a kid, I never once thought that this is how women should be, I thought it was just a musical in cartoon form. Done deal. And that's all they are, musicals in cartoon form.

Look at Peter Pan, he's an adult who wants to stay a child and refuses to grow up, and he's male so what does that say to boys?

The Racist Arguments

Have you ever watched old Looney Tunes cartoons? Bugs Bunny was one racist motherfucker, he made fun of black people, Asians, Native Americans, Mexicans. Was there anyone Bugs didn't throw a racist dig at?
At least Disney draws main characters from all over the world. Native American, Chinese, European, African American, Arabian, Indian, Gypsy (Esmeralda). I mean, how many ethnic characters do you see on Cartoon Network?
The world is racist and its not going away. Are you saying we should hide that problem by taking it out of cartoons made in the 50s? That's not a solution.
If anything, let's put more real world problems in our cartoons to make children more aware of the problems they present. Do it an a way that actually doesn't cause the kid any hurt feelings.

The Historical Arguments

Of course the story for Mulan and Pocohantas were lies mixed with some songs because they're real life stories ended in tragedy. To truly understand them you have to understand where they come from, their culture and the era they lived in. 

The Personality Arguments  (I'm being sarcastic here)

The Disney princesses have no personality, they're just pretty! The fact that Belle could read in medieval France didn't count I guess. And the fact that she wasn't attracted to that asshole Gaston made it evident that she had no personality, the fact that she fell in love with the Beast means nothing apparently.
Jane, she wasn't apprenticing under her father and helped to teach Tarzan.
Mulan wasn't loyal to her father that she risked her life and went to war to protect him.
Pocahantas didn't try to get two different races of people to work together and not to kill one another.
Jasmine wanted to be seen as a person and not be an object to her husband which is why she rejected all her suitors, but I guess real women with real personality would accept that objection.
Megara from Hercules, no she didn't feel guilty about betraying his trust and tried to get away from Hades.

You know which Disney princess had no real personality? Merida from Brave. I hated that movie. Not because she's a redhead, not because she's Celtic but because she was selfish and nearly got her mother killed for absolutely no reason.

The Morals

People are focusing too much on their looks and not enough on their morals. I mean watch Fox and The Hound and really fucking watch it (notice how its hand drawn and hand painted too). What is that about? It's about extreme hatred and how Todd and Copper's friendship was torn apart by vengeance. And it's not the only Disney movie with morals. The Lion King has morals about guilt, living up to your potential and not allowing evil to win (although I do love Scar). Beauty and The Beast - don't judge a book by its cover, it's a classic moral and that's why it keeps being remade into live action series and movies.

The Romance
A lot of people are bitching about the romantic aspects of these children's cartoons. Well let's look at the opposite form of it, if you take them out then you're telling kids both boys and girls that there is no one out there for them and that they possibly don't deserve to be loved. That's a worse message, don't you think? Let them dream while they can before reality crashes down around them and destroy their self esteem.

So people quit your bitching about Disney movies and accept them for what they are and are not.

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