Sunday, March 23, 2014


I will forever be disgusted by the hate and hypocrisy organized religion feeds to the ones who choose to believe in it. But belief is a choice and absolutely no one can force you to believe or disbelieve in anything that makes you uncomfortable.
Keep the SUN in Sunday, a day named for the big ball of hot gas in the sky, the only real giver of life. Without the sun everything and everyone will die as an ice age would take over.
I REJECT BRAINWASHING. Hitler brainwashed Germans to kill millions of innocent Jews, and there is many more examples of violent brainwashing through history. We must learn from these atrocities if we really want a peaceful and equal world. I REJECT PREJUDICE. IF YOU BELIEVE IN EQUALITY, RE-POST THIS PICTURE. I created this picture with love for we ARE all EQUAL.
This is how planets are formed, no hand of God required. This is the truth as we know it until proven otherwise. Through science, our understanding of the world improves and we will one day be able to preserve it and right the damage we've done to it. And don't worry Pluto, you will always be a planet to me.

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