Saturday, March 22, 2014

Perverted Naruto Fan Fiction 2

Another pairing I absolutely adore other than Kisame and Itachi is Yahiko and Konan. Yahiko created the Akatsuki and was the once to convince Jiraiya to train them to become ninja. When he died, Nagato used his body as Tendo Pain and ruled Akatsuki using his friend's animated corpse through the chakra rods he implanted in Yahiko's body. I love the Amegakure nin, to me their the only ones with a good back story to them and they were very well developed characters. Plus I just love how ghetto and torn up their village looks, all held together with ninja duct tape while everybody else's village is beautiful and one with nature. There's a lot of bars in Amegakure, has anyone noticed that? I like how brave Yahiko was as a kid and how he actually wanted to inflict pain on others so they could understand the pain he felt, as he got older he matured and wanted to help people rather than begin conflicts. It was a shame that he died.

Konan is also an under appreciated character, she was wise enough to never trust Tobi, she was mature and never went on rants about how unfair her life had been. She took the good and the bad, in a way, she reminds me of Itachi, they bother understood what it meant to be ninja and never revealed their secrets while living. Unfortunately Kishimoto-sensei kills all the happy couples. They had a basic, boy meets girl, becomes friends then lovers over time relationship. Nothing wrong with that.

Yahiko x Konan fan fic

Yahiko froze as he realized that for the first time in a long time, he and Konan were completely alone. He was badly injured, bandaged up enough to make him look like a mummy on Halloween. Konan also realized this, she quickly shot up on her knees and gently pressed her lips against his, her hand resting on his cheek. Yahiko had been so surprised that he hadn't realized that it was over as quickly as it started. Konan now sat down fully upon the bed looking at the floor in embarrassment. He began to blush as he moved to lean forward, "Yahiko, don't move!" She sounded so concerned, as always. 
          Yahiko leaned foward despite the pain he felt, when he came close enough, he lowered his head to steal another kiss. "Yahiko......." She stammered. 
          "Can I have another kiss?" He asked softly and despite that he was clearly asking, it sounded more like a demand. She felt that even if she said no, he would take another but she wasn't sure if she would mind if he did just that. 
           "Yes....." She answered as he pushed his tongue against hers then over. 
           His right hand graced her abdomen softly pushing her back onto the bed. She hadn't even noticed when she was lying squarely beneath him. Her hand lightly gripped his shoulder which had been bandaged while the other tied itself in his strawberry blond hair. 
           Lifting away from her mouth only to breathe, he kissed her back forcefully, demanding but lifted away to kiss her jawline and neck. She didn't say anything. "You don't mind," he asked her as his fingers gingerly delved under her shirt. Konan shook her head but found that she couldn't say anything. Yahiko wasted no time, he felt heat searing at his pants and fate had finally given him the opportunity to do something about it. 
           He pushed her shirt up to her collarbone, he attacked her left nipple with his mouth before going on to her right. He traced his tongue down her stomach to her naval piercing, something he always wanted to toy with since he first caught glimpse of it when she was dressing one morning. Wrapping his tongue around the sapphire jewelry, he sucked it into his mouth until his lips parted across her skin. Konan took in a deep breath finding out that she was tickelish there, after apologizing to her, Yahiko went further south. Luckily for him, she wore a skirt and tearing that off and the underwear with it had been easy.
           She hadn't even asked him to stop, she only squirmed out of modesty. He wasn't quite sure why she was being so modest with him. She tried to turn to the side but he placed his hand on her knee. "No. Please.  Spread your legs for me." Konan wasn't a coward and while normally followed the leader's words and order, this was different and she wasn't quite sure if she should but she slowly found herself doing just as he said.
             Yahiko gave her oral sex and when she was wet enough, he rose himself over her. 
He pulled at his sweatpants which had only gotten tighter, pulling them down to reveal his unbandaged lower body. Reassuring his soon to be lady, he rubbed himself against her, wanting too much to shove it inside.    "Yahiko.......I'm not sure........" 
    "No?  Aw don't tell me no." 
    Unfortunately she could never just say no to Yahiko. 
    "Please be gentle......"
    "I will, don't worry. I love you Konan." He said nuzzeling his head against hers.
    "I love you," she told him again. 
    "I know you do." 

    Pushing himself as slowly as he could, she sucked in a deep breath then slowly exhaled once he was halfway inside. "You okay?" He asked feeling concerned. 
    "It hurts." She told him. 
    "It does? Should I stop?" He felt embarrassed, he wasn't hurting, he could barely feel his wounds at the moment. He didn't know it would hurt her. 
     "No. No pain no gain right?" She said to him with a smile. 
    "You're a real soldier."
         Feeling more confident than usual and Yahiko barely ever lost his confidence, he tried as gently as he could to push himself completely inside but when that only caused more pain for Konan, he shook his head.  "I'm gonna say sorry in advance, sorry for this." He placed both hands on either side of her head, mustered his strength despite being as hurt as he was, and pushed as hard as he could until he felt himself all the way inside, past her tight folds. 
       She screamed a bit as she gripped painfully at his shoulders. He kissed her, "I said I was sorry." 
       "That doesn't change the fact that, that was painful."   
       "I didn't think this would hurt you so much, it's not hurting me at all."
       "It's all right." She comforted him drawing him into a deep kiss.
    Feeling better about the pain he was causing her, he pushed all other thoughts aside, Nagato was more than capable of holding the Akatsuki together for a day without him or the second in command. Sitting up a bit or as much as Yahiko would allow, he graciously pulled off her shirt and bra so that now she was naked under him. 
    Laying her back down, he hovered a bit before resting his bandaged chest against hers. He picked up a clear rhythm and gently hit different spots inside her body, trying to find the right one. "Mmm," he groaned reveling at how soft she felt, he closed his eyes momentarily before opening them again only to look at his lady. "You feel so good." 
    "Really?" She asked him. 
         She laughed a little, "you feel warm and thick," she told him wrapping her arms around the back of his neck but tried not to apply any real pressure so as not to hurt him. 
          "Do I? Is that a good thing?" He wasn't sure, he knew that he was taking up all the space inside of her and to him that felt great, he wanted to be the only one taking up residence. He pushed up and got a moan of pain. "Sorry sorry sorry." 
           So not there, "take me a bit deeper," he said as pulled her down by the outside of her thighs onto him, forcing her down onto the hilt of his fleshy blade. Moving gently, he rocked her until her wetness allowed him to slip even deeper. Groaning, he slowed his movements which had her out of breath and softly moaning for him. "So there you are, I found you." Yahiko exclaimed happily. Konan kissed the side of his face, dampening the bandages.
          "Yes." Was all she could say. Her lower body was full and she didn't want anything else at the moment other than him. Wrapping her calves around the small of his back, she pushed up, blind to any following pain, willing to let him take her. Surprised by her action, he forced it, trying to see how deep he could go but couldn't. Returning to the spot he found that made her moan, he made it his. 
            "You're my lady, right?" He asked sounding a bit unsure. If he had to compete with Nagato, he might actually lose. 
           "I've always wanted to be yours." 
           She told him the truth but he had to ask, ".......and Nagato?" 
            "I love Nagato too, but like a younger brother." 
    Yahiko sighed a breath of relief, luckily he didn't have to compete with his friend, he also thought of Nagato as a brother, and as his savior and all he wanted was to protect both of them. He kissed her forehead, "that makes me feel a lot better." After talk had died down, he kept at that one spot until he felt her body tighten around him, massaging him as her bodily fluid came flowing down upon his skin causing him to release hard inside of her. 
        When their hearts and breathing stopped racing, she asked him what he had done.  "Uh...what's it called again?  E-ejac-ejaculation? Yeah that's it, I ejaculated! Wait, oh fuck." He said that last part more to himself. 
        "What's wrong?" She asked him. 
         "Hold on," he told her as he pulled himself out only to discover that he was covered in blood and that the head of his cock was spluttered with a white liquid. 
         He look to her, there was blood and cum. He sat up quickly, "oh shit, I made you bleed, I'm sorry, I'll be right back." He panicked not sure what he had done to cause her to bleed. Quickly getting to the floor and walking towards the bathroom, Konan sat up then looked down. Nothing looked out of the ordinary to her. Until she placed her hand to her skin then lifted it to see blood and something else. 
        "Oh. I'm bleeding. That's odd, I'm not on my period. So this white stuff is his ejaculation then?" She was considerably less freaked out than he was. Yahiko returned with two towels, one wet and one dry. She watched him as he took the wet towel and wiped off the substances. She held her out her hand to him. He grabbed her wrist and pressed the wet towel to her fingers. "What's the white stuff? It's sticky." 
        Yahiko panicked again, how should I answer? "Uh.....its called semen I think.......and it can get you pregnant......but that's what the older guys tell me." 
        She laughed slightly, "is that so?  Looks like we have to be careful about your ejaculation and semen then." 
      Yahiko looked hopeful, "you aren't mad?" 
      "No. Why would I be mad?"
       Yahiko hugged her, "thank you."
    Nagato returned late in the evening to see Konan sleeping beside Yahiko in Yahiko's bed. "That's cute.....but it disturbs me for some reason." He said to himself. The next morning, Konan left early leaving the two boys at home. Yahiko stretched, forgetting completely about his wounds then remembered them as the pain stung him mercilessly. 
           "Morning Nagato!" He greeted, noticing the red haired young man sitting at the table, a cup of tea in his hand. 
          "Good morning Yahiko, feeling better?" 
          "Much better! I'm good enough to fight, I think." He said getting up and joining Nagato at the table. 
          "I don't think your wounds are healed already." Nagato poured some tea for him. 
          "Where's Konan?" He asked after thanking him. 
          "She already left." Silence came over them and they both felt strange. 
          "I love you like a brother Nagato." Yahiko said suddenly. 
          "Uh..thanks, I feel that way about you too.  In fact, I even admire you." 
          "Really?  You don't need to admire me, you're the savior." Yahiko smiled as he wrapped his left arm around Nagato's neck. 
          "But you've always taken care of me," Nagato tried to argue. 
          "And I always will, even when I become god of this world but I want to talk to you about something......" 
          "It's about Konan? I already know." Nagato told him, sparing the older boy from having to say anything. 
          "How? Did she tell you already?"
          Nagato shook his head, "no. I'm not blind Yahiko, quite honestly I've been expecting it for a long time now. I'm surprised that you even had the courage, I hope you didn't cry." Yahiko smacked Nagato on the back of the head, "ow." Nagato rubbed his head. 
        "Don't mock me. I am a man, of course I had the courage and didn't cry! But you know what this means?" 
        Nagato looked up at Yahiko who stood up, "no, what does it mean?" 
        "It means that you're girlfriendless. Hah!" 
        Nagato punched him lightly in the stomach, "silence, I'll get one eventually, after you've become a god." 
        "Ow, don't hit me, I'm wounded." 
        "You're obviously not wounded enough.  And there's blood on your bed. You should clean it up." 
    Yahiko fixed the covers on his bed, then looked back at Nagato, "you liar, there's no blood on my bed, I cleaned it up yesterday." He attacked him playfully, then told him, "you shouldn't wait, even saviors like you have needs." 
       Nagato pushed him aside, "I'm not like you." 
       "You're right, you're way too sensitive, you'd probably cry." Nagato hit him again then left him cringing on the floor. 
       "Nagato, come back, I didn't mean it!" 
       "Oh, Nagato, welcome back." Konan greeted as Nagato entered the Akatsuki's base of operation.       "Konan, please don't have children with Yahiko." 
        She stared at him in confusion, "I wasn't planning to.  Maybe in a distant future long after he's become god." 
       Nagato reached her side, eclipsing her and even Yahiko in height. "That would be for the best. I don't think Uncle Nagato could handle any offspring he has. Especially if its a boy, if its a girl, she might be more like you." Konan laughed at him then handed him a piece of paper, "these are the coordinates that still need some help. I was going to head over there, want to come with me?" 
    It was late night when they returned home to find Yahiko standing in front of the stove. "How do you feel?" Konan asked referring to his wounds. 
        He looked back at them, covered in rain water. "Fine. The sting of the wounds has gone away and you?" 
       "I'm fine." She answered without much thought.
       "I should return tomorrow, I don't want to be out for too long and become useless." Yahiko said indefinitely.
        "Even if you were, things are going relatively smooth.We might not even need you for the next couple of days, you should wait until your wounds are completely healed."  Konan told him, she was the second in command and with reason, she was always bright and picked up the ball faster than Nagato and Yahiko, especially when training with Jiraiya-sensei. 
        "Fuck that, I don't want to wait.  I'm fine." Yahiko said in response.
         "You just want to fight," Nagato chipped in. 
        Yahiko glared at Nagato then hit him in the head with a wooden spoon.
         "That's for earlier." 
          Konan looked to Nagato then at Yahiko then back at Nagato, "is that the reason why you don't want me to have kids with him?" 
         "Yeah." Nagato responded. 
         "What are you guys talking about?" Yahiko asked as he stirred something in a large pot. Nagato looked at Yahiko's back then shook his head. 
          "About me having your kids." Konan joked but the comment had Yahiko turning around wide-eyed as he kept eye contact with her. 
       "You are?" He sounded so surprise. 
      "No. I don't know. Nagato asked me not to have kids with you for fear that'd they be too much like you." 
         Yahiko smiled then hit Nagato again with the wooden spoon. "That's our decision," Yahiko chastised.    "Ow. Not again. Just saying, Uncle Nagato isn't sure he's up to dealing with a little Yahiko." 
    "Don't worry Nagato, even if Konan and I had offspring, either now or later, I'm sure you'd love the kid."
    "Still, we should try to prevent that if it's possible." Konan told Yahiko.
    "No more sex?" Yahiko squeaked, succesfully embarassing Nagato by being so blunt.
    "I didn't say that, just don't ejaculate inside of me." Konan told him.
    "I'm done." Nagato declared at their tactlessness and headed outside, he sat on the small step as he looked up to the raining sky. He did always suspect that Yahiko and Konan's once sibling like relationship would eventually blossom to real love and become intimate but that didn't mean he wanted to hear his older brother-like figure talk about knocking up his older sister-like figure. Although he loved and looked up to Yahiko, he felt more partial to Konan and didn't want big sister to feel hurt by her now lover.
    Konan opened the door, "you okay Nagato? Come inside, dinner is done."

*Don't own the characters or fan art.

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