Sunday, March 23, 2014

The Jedi Code VS The Sith Code

So there will be an Episode 7 of Star Wars, I'm not sure why though. I find that I like the older movies a lot more than the ones done in the 2000s.
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The Jedi Code: There is no emotion, there is peace
                        There is no ignorance, there is knowledge
                        There is no passion, there is serenity
                        There is no chaos, there is harmony
                        There is no death, there is the force

The Sith Code: Peace is a lie, there is only passion
                       Through passion, I gain strength
                       Through strength, I gain power's
                       Through power, I gain victory
                       Through victory, my chains are broken
                       The force shall free me

I don't agree with the Jedi code, there is chaos, death, ignorance and knowledge and serentiy but it is not one or the other. Both exist so the Sith code calls to me. Passion is a driving force to succeed. So yeah, Sith on. Although I think both of them can make rather good philosophy if you stop to really think about the meaning it implies.

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