Saturday, March 22, 2014

Perverted Naruto Fan Fiction

Who doesn't write perverted fan fiction? 50 Shades of Gray emerged from it, and no I don't believe that fan fiction should be published. Fan fictions are how we show our love for all the things we love that's already copyrighted so I hate seeing fan art that's copyrighted. You're not the original artist, what's the point of copyrighting your rendition? I don't know, I don't get it.

So I'm going to start with some yaoi between Kisame Hoshigaki and Itachi Uchiha. Even though the fan fic is sexual, I love the relationship between the two men. Here you have Kisame, the big shark of Kirigakure who became confused about his own purpose in life, who found a kindred spirit in the story of Itachi Uchiha murdering his entire clan then he meets the younger man and they develop an actual friendship. I love how they were very subtle about it, especially Kisame. I never thought of them as being homosexual but you can tell Kisame felt very fortunate to find a place where he could belong and not be hated for the things he was ordered to do by his Kage. In Shippuuden when Itachi's illness became worse, there's an episode where Kisame hunts down the Bijuu on his own to spare Itachi from over exerting himself. I felt that was very sweet and spoke volumes to the nature of their relationship and when he died, he thought of no one else but Itachi and it made me want to know more about their day to day relationship as they have been traveling together for years. 

Kisame x Itachi yaoi fan fiction

Kisame lifted up Itachi's shirt then pulled it over his head so that his body laid bare except  covering his shoulders. Kisame placed his right hand on Itachi's stomach, savoring the warmth of his body before moving it upward towards his chest. "I love the way your body looks, you're so beautiful, I know I've said it before, but you're my favorite type of woman." He smiled evilly, something Itachi had grown accustomed to seeing by now.
         Itachi said nothing as Kisame lowered his head to his stomach, just laying against his skin before licking it then moving upward towards his left nipple. Careful not to bite or else he'd bite it off completely. Kisame's hands gripped at his side as he slid his thick tongue across his skin. "Mm," Itachi made a noise that didn't mimick surprise or a even a moan. 
        "My body is betraying me as I speak, if it's of any consequence, I would want yours." He told Kisame. "Why don't you show me yours." He said lowly, grabbing lightly at the bottom of Kisame's shirt.  Kisame pulled it off quickly revealing masculine abs under the light blue skin, and the black fur that trailed down from his belly button. 
           "I didn't know sharks could have fur." Itachi cracked softly as his right hand graced over his lower abdomen. 
           "In comparison to your hairless body, I'm more of a man physically." Itachi laughed softly then nodded as best he could. Itachi reached up to feel the hard rippling muscle, Kisame's body was definitely more masculine compared to his thin and sleek build. "Your skin is cool." He said.
           "And yours is so warm for a dying man." Kisame grinned back, reveling in the light caresses of Itachi's hand. 
           "You want to touch something, touch this." Kisame pulled the hem of his pants down allowing his cock to hang out. 
           Itachi's eyes widened. "Big and blue just like the rest of you." 
           Kisame snickered as he lowered himself slightly enough to tap his cock against Itachi's lower abdomen. He took Itachi's hand and wrapped his fingers around his already rock hard organ. 
            Not asking why, Itachi slowly pumped it, moving his fingers in a way that massaged the foreskin as well. He was much bigger now that he held it. Kisame's cock was thick and long. There was a thicket of black hair above it in which Itachi scratched at, it was silky rather than curly and coarse like normal human males. 
            "You are immaculate my friend." Itachi praised as he sped up his jerking off. 
    Kisame quickly pulled off Itachi's pants and underwear to reveal his hanging self, Kisame was so hard that it was starting to hurt but Itachi hadn't been turned on at all. He didn't care. Kisame grabbed Itachi's wrist then held it above his head as he pressed himself against his friend's cock. He was much thicker and longer than Itachi. "Don't look at me like that, I'm not very big even in full erection." Itachi confided.
          "I don't care about that." Kisame answered shivering at the touch of his friend's warm skin against his cold skin. Kisame lowered down on top of Itachi wanting to feel his body against his. He kissed Itachi fiercely, remembering not to use his teeth. He pulled away to breathe, his gills didn't do anything at all! Itachi surprised him by raising his hands and clamping them down on the back of Kisame's neck, effectively pulling him back into another kiss.
    "I don't want to let you die." 
    "Then what do you want?" 
    "I want to be the last person to feel your warmth." Kisame admitted.
    "What do you mean by that?" Itachi asked not really understanding.
    "You're an intelligent man, you'll figure it out."
    Itachi chuckled, "fair enough. Kisame.............thank -"
    "Stop right there or I'll bite, don't thank me until you breathe your last breath." 
    Itachi looked away. "You can if you want to, I don't mind, we'll call it a reward if you help me with something." 
    "What do I have to do?"
    "Help me to die in front of Sasuke." Itachi looked back up at Kisame, his Sharingan blazing. Kisame really didn't want to, he hesitated biting back everything to not just say no. Instead he raised a hand then lifted Itachi's ponytail then pulled out the band holding it. "Okay." Itachi smiled, "I'll be the woman you want tonight. Just this one time." 
         Closing his eyes, Itachi spread his legs shyly allowing Kisame access to his anal canal. It had been a long time coming but he always wanted to see Itachi look weak and vulnerable like this. "It's gonna hurt," he warned in humor. Itachi didn't respond but bit his lower lip when he felt him enter. "Heh, that's just the head.  Surely you can do better than this Itachi." Kisame mocked earning an annoyed glare from the smaller man. 
        "Then you'll have to do your worse. I've felt worse pain than this, and you know I have." Itachi responded. Kisame smiled revealing his shark teeth which earned him the nickname Jaws by Konan. With a hard thrust which he surprisingly held back on, he pushed forward until he was all the way inside the tight space.  Itachi gritted his teeth. 
    "No wonder you're a rapist, who the hell would submit to this willingly?" 
    "Uh....YOU. I won't tell anyone that you cried real tears." 
    Itachi smacked at him lightly, "don't be absurd." 
    Kisame laughed, "yeah that's me the absurd shark all right."
    Itachi laughed trying to sit up to make the pain in his lower body lessen a bit but Kisame had other ideas and pushed him back down then told him, "don't get up again. .....
Be a good boy like Tobi."  Itachi glared at him again then sighed, "as you wish."
         Kisame fucked in and out of Itachi until he had the younger man panting for breath and trembling. Itachi gripped at Kisame's muscular arms, even dug his non-existent fingernails into his skin. Kisame didn't want to hurt his friend who was already in so much pain but holding back wasn't something that he was good at. He wanted him, wanted him now, had him now in what was his last chance. He always wanted him and those words slipped out his mouth without him noticing his own lack of verbal control.
        Itachi had suspected it but had dismissed the thought from his mind, Kisame was a fun, loyal friend who cared about his well being the way he cared for Sasuke. "I know," Itachi told him softly, raising his hand to hold the back of his neck gently, then his hand fell down to rub at his broad back.  This was his first time ever with a man. He couldn't ask for more after realizing just how much Kisame truly cared for him.
        He could only hope that Sasuke could end up with someone who really cared about him, either male or female. Lowering himself so that his head wasn't crooked up against the wall like it was, he laid fully down so he could let the older man have him. Kisame would be the only man to ever have him. However, even though Itachi was giving in, Kisame found this position hard. He was such a big man and Itachi was at least a foot and some inches shorter than he was.  ighing to himself, he pulled out, surprising Itachi.
       "What's wrong?" He asked sitting up as Kisame sat back on his knees.
       "Get on your hands and knees," Kisame beamed at him. Itachi couldn't help but to roll his eyes at him but he did say that he would be his lover for the night. He slowly turned over onto his stomach, his elbows down by his head and his knees straight alleviating his lower body's position. His long black hair showered over his shoulders and a part of his back in which his slim body jutted from it seemed. 
       "You know from this position, I can't really tell if you're a man or a woman." Kisame laughed. 
       "Look between my legs, you'll find the male anatomy hanging." Itachi told him sourly. 
       Kisame laughed more. He grabbed at Itachi's balls then licked them, "you mean this?" 
       "Yes that. I didn't know you were such a nymphomaniac." He said honestly, if he was a woman, then he would actually be turned on by all that Kisame had done to him. 
     "Yeah there's a lot of things people don't know about me." Kisame told him, running his tongue from his sacs up the back of his thigh to his butt.
    "I see that now, but if I were your woman, I'd be the happiest woman."
    Kisame stopped, no one had ever said anything like that to him before, to admit that they were happy being with him. "You don't need to be a woman to be happy with me Itachi, you can be just who you are."
    Itachi looked over his shoulder at his friend, he looked so................
    "Kisame. I am content being with you but I'm not ever really happy you know......"
    "Then be my boyfriend until you die." 
    "Will it make you happy Kisame?"
    "Yes. And I'll accept your death and let it go when you die. And it'll stay just between you and me."  Kisame added trying hard to convince him.
      Itachi sighed, he really wanted to say no but Kisame had cared for him, loved him when no one else did.  "Okay. We can give it a try." How far could it really get? Kisame felt his heart leap up making him feel energetic and lively. He knelt over and kissed Itachi's lips. He had a real lover now for the first time. He got behind him, "doesn't mean I'm gonna go easy on you!"  Itachi shook his head, he didn't really think he would.
      Parting his cheeks, he spit on his hand then rubbed it on his cock as lube, then pushed his cock inside to reclaim his ass. Itachi was his now. He bucked hard, grabbing hold of Itachi's waist as he fucked him so he wouldn't move. 
      Itachi opened his mouth, a groan escaping only resulting in arousing his big shark even more. Kisame bent over his back to kiss at his shoulders, his hair getting into his mouth which he really didn't mind. Itachi closed his eyes tightly and braced the impact for each pounding, finding that he really didn't like it but since he was giving his last to Sasuke, he was going to give his best to Kisame.
       He lowered his knees and his upper body until he was nearly flat on the ground. He was taking it well.    "I'm gonna cum buddy," he said to the younger man. 
        "You're gonna try cumming inside of me, aren't you?" Itachi asked opening his red eyes to see Kisame's hand next to his, he was breathing on the back of his neck.
         "You know damn well I am," he said proudly. 
         "Don't," Itachi warned. 
         "This is my night," he reminded him, sitting up.
    He fucked into Itachi hard, trying to make himself release. 
    He roared feeling himself release into Itachi, Itachi trembled then swore viciously. Not only had he not been fucked by a man before but feeling his sperm splurt inside him was a strange feeling too. Kisame pulled out then sat back taking a deep breath. "That's so much better," he then lifted Itachi up putting the small man in his lap. "How do you feel?"
    Itachi rested against him, "I'm fine."
    Kisame pulled down the cover of the on the floor futon and laid his boyfriend in it then himself. They've slept together before in the same bed or futon so now wasn't any different. The sunlight poured into the inn room over the two who held one another. Itachi woke first and got up to bathe, leaving Kisame to sleep a little longer. When Kisame woke up he headed into the bathroom to pee. It wasn't as if he didn't know what to say, he and Itachi were friends, good friends always and there was no reason to act different now.
       "Which of the bijuu are we going after today?" Kisame asked.
        Itachi wrapped a towel around his waist, courtesy of the inn. "The three tail." 
    Itachi stopped dead in his tracks, put his hand over his mouth and coughed up blood until it seeped through his fingers.  He was spewing blood again and as much as he liked covering it up, they had been together for too long to keep it a secret from him. "You okay?" Kisame asked not showing much concern, Itachi was selfless but even he had pride.
    Itachi turned on the cold water in the sink to rinse his hands and mouth, "I'm fine," he lied yet again then left the bathroom. He pulled on his shirt and his pants. 
      Kisame came out feeling a bit more concerned for him than usual. "Are you really okay? Can you fight?"  he asked standing above Itachi who kept his head lowered. Itachi then looked up with his blood red eyes, a clan trait that frightened most people but not him. He loved those blood stained eyes of him that knew the sorrow, loneliness and bloodshed so well, the same things he's only known his whole life.
        "I'll be fine, as always," Itachi smiled sadly. Itachi was never fine and he was the only one who knew that. Itachi placed his hand on Kisame's abdomen then raised his lips to the muscle just under the skin.  Kisame laughed as if it tickled him, "what are you doing?" 
          "I'm going to give Sasuke my best and my last so I want to give you something too." 
           "You're too generous." Kisame smiled as Itachi mouthed his skin, licking it lightly with the tip of his tongue. 
          "Are you going to eat me like you do dango?" Kisame cracked. Itachi looked up then away as he pulled down his underwear. Gingerly taking the large flat cock inbetween his thumb and index, he lifted it up to run his tongue over the shaft up to the head. 
    Kisame shivered, something about this seemed so wrong. Itachi was a man he respected more than anyone, a man he never wanted to see fall or fail. Seeing him rise to his knees to lick up his cock wrong. It felt warmer and softer than he thought it would, there wasn't much of a taste, "I thought you'd taste more like Shark Fin Soup." Itachi joked making his shark laugh again. 
         "Oh? Try putting it in your mouth," he joked.
    Itachi looked up at him scandelously, making the older man's cock jump in excitement. "You're so fucking beautiful," Kisame said. Itachi looked up, his mouth open and his tongue visibly running the length of him. He shuddered, he didn't know that Itachi could be so dirty and look so good doing it. "Don't tease me," he could feel himself growing hard.
        Smiling gently, Itachi closed his eyes, licking the head like candy, he took it into his mouth, purposely moaning just to get under his boyfriend's skin.  Just like inside his other orifice, it took up all the space as he gently sucked it, he didn't want it to be shoved down his throat, he had enough health problems. Kisame gently placed a large hand on his head, running his fingers under and through his black hair. 
    Itachi felt skilled but he knew the man was heterosexual, same as he was but maybe the young man had experience giving oral sex. The low heat and moistness of his mouth surrounding the expanding head was driving at his body like a Rasengan to the chest. He slowly shoved the next two inches into his mouth, aware that trying to make him suck all of him would only hurt him. Itachi sucked harder finding that it wasn't so bad.
    But it wasn't enough.
    Soon, Kisame pulled out of his hand and mouth, knelt down and kissed Itachi instead. He pushed Itachi down on the futon, he knew that they had a job to do and should get to it before the morning slipped away but he just couldn't control himself besides, it was Itachi's fault this time. He laid on top of the smaller man then broke for breath. Itachi rubbed the hair above his headband, he never took that thing off.
         "I will be yours until the day I have to die," Itachi reassured him.
         "I look foward to every day until you let your bitch little brother kill you off. What? Bro, don't look at me like that, Sasuke is a bitch." Itachi pushed him off then sat up. Kisame smiled then pulled on his shirt and pants. "Are you mad at me?" Kisame snickered, not caring if he was. Itachi was a man of his word and he promised to be his boyfriend until he died.
          "No," Itachi stood, "let's get to work."
          "Yeah, or else Pain is gonna yell at us. Again." 
    Itachi didn't say anything more as he led Kisame out of the inn and into the bright day. It was time to pretend as if they weren't in a relationship again.


I find intimacy beautiful, even more so when you have a strong emotional bond with your partner. Intimacy is beautiful and we should celebrate it no matter who you find yourself in bed with, instead of demonizing people who are more comfortable within their own gender. 
  Equal rights for equal lives

* I have no idea who the artist of fan art is but it is that person's work while Itachi and Kisame belong to Masashi Kishimoto, Shonen Jump and Viz Media. 

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